Congrats! Your early access to FinPod APP is successfully reserved. FinPod is the next generation super app to organise family tasks, rewards, financial education and entertainment for your children.
FinPod is coming soon! Before the arrival, stay connected with FinPod on our Instagram and Facebook pages!
恭喜! 你已成功登記成為 FinPod 免費優先體驗用戶!FinPod 是新一代智能 APP,您的一站式親子、玩樂、理財教育平台!助您輕鬆整理家庭任務、孩子獎勵、理財教育以及親子娛樂。
FinPod 即將推出,請密切期待!與此同時,記得追蹤 FinPod Instagram 及 Facebook 專頁,獲得更多最新親子教育資訊!